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Synergic vitamin therapy – a basis for optimization of pregravid preparation and pregnancy

Synergic vitamin therapy – a basis for optimization of pregravid preparation and pregnancy

A.N. Strizhakov, P.V. Budanov

Edition:Вопросы гинекологии, акушерства и перинатологии. – Т. 5. – № 6.

Synergic vitamin therapy – a basis for optimization of pregravid preparation and pregnancy

A.N. Strizhakov, P.V. Budanov

High frequency of polyvitamin deficiency in women, the increase of vitamin requirements during pregnancy lead to the vitamin supplement administration in the period of preparation for pregnancy as well as during pregnancy. The main complications of the up-to-date vitamin therapy are evaluation of its efficacy and attainment of its safety. Vitamin-mineral complex “ALFAVIT Mommy’s Health” – new generation vitamin supplement, which concept is based on the simultaneous intake of the synergic substances, and contains essential vitamins and minerals in the amouts required for pregnant women. The division of the supplement components with undesirable interactions into different tablets provides complete assimilation, decreases the risks of adverse rections, ensures hypoallergenicity of the supplement and increases the efficacy of vitamin prevention and the treatment of vitamin deficiences up to 30 – 50%. The use of ALVAVIT Mommy’s Health on the eve and during the pregnancy, during the lactation (breastfeeding) results in the decrease of the pregnancy complications frequency and perinatal morbidity.

Key words: vitamin deficiency, pregnancy, prevention, ALFAVIT Mommy’s Health, polyvitamin supplement

The birth of a healthy child at the present-day conditions became a certain problem: 80 – 85% of the newborn children have various deviations in their state of health. Among other problems that cause anxiety in the pediatric society, there is retardation of the physical, mental and reproductive development in children. Only during the last 10 years in Russia there were born 4 times more undersized children and 2 times more disabled children. Many congenital developmental abnormalities of the newborns is a result of the incorrect nutrition of the future mother or the deficiency of one or another micronutrient [4,12,14,28].

The prevalence of vitamin deficiency in different regions of Russia, including pregnant and breastfeeding women, newborns and infants is also causing anxiety among medical professionals.

Large-scale epidemiological research carried out by the Institute of Nutrition, Russian Academy of medical Sciences allowed to reveal such important disorders of the nutrition status of the Russian population as a surplus comsumption of fats; deficiency of the major part of the vitamins (including antioxidant vitamins C, E, A and beta-carotene); deficiency of the minerals – calcium and iron; deficiency of microelements – iodine, fluor, selenium, zinc; deficiency of the vegetable protein (and sometimes animal protein); deficiency of the polyunsaturated fatty acids; distinct deficiency of the food fibers. A deficit of the B-group vitamins was discovered in 20 – 100% of the examined people, deficiency of the ascorbic acid – in 13 – 50%, deficiency of the carotenoids – in 25 – 94% while the supply of the vitamins A and E was sufficient. In general, there is almost no women with adequate supply of vitamins. In the majority of examined people (70 – 80%) we revealed a combined deficiency of three or more vitamins, e.g. a polyvitamin deficiency status regardless of the age, season, place of living and occupation [11,12].

First of all, a present deficit structure of food nutrition influences negatively on the protective systems of the body, supressing the reactions of the non-specific resistance, which facilitates the formation of the risk factiors for many diseases.

Thus, an unsufficient consumption of the vitamins is a mass and permanent factor which negatively influences the health, development and viability of the whole nation.

Mineral and vitamin requirement of women during the pregnancy increases up to 25%. Even during the physiological pregnancy, starting from the fourth month the vitamin and mineral requirement increases, since a reserve of the vitamins and minerals are spending for the fetus growth. A high demand of iron and several vitamins is concerned with the extention of the blood capacity during the pregnancy and with the hemorrhage due to delivery. A secretion of the breast milk (700 – 900 ml per day) in the period of breast feeding also contributes to the exhaustion of vitamins and minerals. The requirement of vitamins and minerals in the pregnant and lactating women increases in 1.5 times [1,4,7].

The deficiency of the essential nutritional elements, including vitamins, during pregnancy adversely affect the health of the woman herself and also her future child. The deficiency of vitamins before the pregnancy and particularly during the gestation, when the requirementy is especially high, causes damage to the health of mother and child, increases the risks of perinatal pathology, increases children’s death-rate, is one of the causes of the prematurity, congenital abnormalities, mental and physical disorders in children [1,4,7,8,14].

The deficiency of vitamins contributes to the appearance and development of iron-deficient anemia, since the supply of the vitamins C and B2 affects absorbtion and iron transport, folic acid and vitamin B12 participate in the synthesis of heme, vitamin B6 is required for the maturing of red blood cells [12]. The deficiency of vitamin B6 quite often is a reason of the early toxicosis, though its sufficient supply normalizes the metabolism of tryptophan and thereby provides neuropotective effect. Besides, the deficiency of vitamin B6 promotes the delay of liquid in the body [11,13,14].

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